Applications are invited for research bursaries intended for undergraduate students wishing to pursue a summer research project in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, starting June 02, 2025, and ending June 30, 2025, at the latest. Each bursary has a value of €1,280, and the corresponding working load is four days per week for four weeks.

These internship bursaries are available to undergraduate students of any nationality and university, provided they are residents in the EU. Preference will be given to students in the penultimate year of their undergraduate studies. 

The interns will work under the supervision of an experienced researcher within the School. They must prepare a presentation on their work to the school at the end of the four weeks and submit a report at the end of the summer. 

Application Procedure 

To apply for a bursary, students should find a supervisor within the school who is willing to supervise them for a 4-week summer project. The project should start on June 02, 2024.

Students should email a single pdf file to with: 

  1. The name of the proposed project supervisor. 
  2. A short description of the research project (300 words maximum). 
  3. A table containing percentage grades for all university modules completed to date. Provisional results for Semester 1 of the current academic year should be included. 

Students should also ensure that the proposed supervisor sends a short letter of recommendation to There is no official application form. 

Application Deadline 

Thursday April 17, 2025, at 5 pm


Applications will be evaluated and ranked by the School's Research Committee.  Offers will be made to candidates by April 30th.

We will grade each application in the following three categories. The numbers in parenthesis are the weight assigned to that category:

  1. Description of the research project (10): among other considerations, marks will be awarded for a well-structured proposal with goals that are clearly specified and achievable within the given timeframe.
  2. Supervisor recommendation (5)
  3. Academic track record of the student (5)

Other internships 

Athena Swan internship: One project, supported by the Athena Swan implementation fund, will focus on ways of highlighting diversity in the practice of the mathematical sciences in Galway, historically and currently. It might appeal to a student with an interest in mathematical and scientific communication. Coordinator: Dr Rachel Quinlan. Please email Dr Quinlan ( if you are interested in applying for this position.


Previous Summer Scholarship Projects


Student Supervisor Project Title
Damhán Mulligan Emma Holian Contribution to development of the Figuring Out Y initiative through pedagogical
Diarmuid Dolan Lars Jermiin  
Liam Wilkinson Rachel Quinlan Primitive Matrices and Graphs
Luke Madden Michel Destrade Examining periodic solutions to the N-Body problem using computational methods



Supervisor Project Title

Paul Cassidy Mark Howard Automorphisms of Finite GroupsAutomorphisms of Finite GroupsAutomorphisms of Finite GroupsAutomorphisms of Finite Groups

Monirul Choudhury                       James Cruickshank                        Symplectic Graphs Over a Finite Local Ring

Tomás Gillanders    Giuseppe Zurlo 
Twisting Instabilities of Stretched Elastomer Rods
Enda Harrigan    Mark Howard Multiple Control X Gate Synthesis

Sean Janson               Rachel Quinlan        Orders of Diamond Alternating Sign Matrices 
Sasha Northrup

Emil Skoldberg Edge Ideals of Circulant Graphs
Maciej Stec   

Kevin Jennings    Latin Squares
Mark Tobin

Andrew Simpkin Traffic volume data modelling



Student    Supervisor    Project Title

David Cormican

Dmytro Lyubka

Graham Ellis Lattices, Sphere Packing and Modular Forms

Lattices and Modular Forms

Katrina Watson Rachel Quinlan       Alternating Sign and Sign-Restricted Matrices

James Nohilly Mark Howard Quantum Circuit Simplification and Extraction

James Hayes Cathal Seoighe Peto's Paradox

Robin Pfeiffer   Niall Madden Physics Informed Neural Networks for Numerical Analysis

David Action Michael Tuite Measuring Quantum Tunnelling Dwell Time Using Larmor Precession

Niamh Newman          Martin Meere Solving the Non Linear Schrodinger Equation using multiple methods

Romain Gadioux Martin Meere Using Bäcklund Tranformations to Find Soliton Solutions
Blythe Stewart    Siobhan Cleary Does tumour parity have an effect on the ability to detect allele-specific expre


Student    Supervisor    Project Title

Lijun Zou    Ronan Egan Quantum codes via Hermitian self-orthogonal codes over F4

Michael McGloin Rachel Quinlan       Minimally Primitive Graphs with a Non-cut Arc

Anton Sohn    Rachel Quinlan Minimally Primitive Graphs with a Non-cut Arc
Maeve Dunne    Davood Roshan Modelling COVID-19 in Ireland
Sean Tobin    Giuseppe Zurlo The Chain Fountain
Tom Jackson    Niall Madden Modelling differential equations using FEniCS and the finite element method
Jordan McCarney          Mark Howard

CHSH Game Using Convex Geometry
Presentation and Report

David Flanagan Aaron Golden Observing Pulsars using I-LOFAR





Project Title

Paul Armstrong

Graham Ellis

Using Topological Data Analysis to study Time Series data

Matt O’Reilly

Graham Ellis

Using Topological Data Analysis to study Time Series data

Catherine Higgins

Graham Ellis

Using Topological Data Analysis to study Time Series data

Sean Monahan

Andrew Simpkin

Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Outbreak in Ireland

Thomas Hayes

John Newell

Matching athletes using Olympic data

Jack Collins

Niall Madden

Mathematical models applied to the COVID-19 pandemic

Dylan Buckley

Martin Meere

Applied Mathematics

Shane Doyle

Petri Piiroinen

Statistical Modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic





Project Title

 Amanda Forde      

 Michel Destrade

Padé approximants for dispersion curves of elastic waves

 Griffen Small   

 Michael Tuite

Dirac's relativistic wave equation

 Adam Callaghan

 John Burns

Homogeneous Metrics on Spheres

 Deanna Dooley   

 Graham Ellis

Metric Spaces in Cryptography

 Paul Costello

 Niall Madden

Numerical Methods of Solving Schrödinger’s Equation


 Laura Feehan   

 Rachel Quinlan

Connections between Group Theory and the visual Arts - The wallpaper groups

 Mario Gaspar Quarenta

 Micheal Tuite

Fine and hyperfine splitting of Hydrogen spectrum                                                                            

George Stavrou

Martin Meere

Numerical Integration and Solution Visualization for some Reaction Diffusion Equations