Dr Laura Cunningham

B. Sc., Ph.D.

Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
School of Science & Engineering
University of Galway
E: laura.cunningham@universityofgalway.ie


Laura received her Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry in 2020 from University College Dublin. Under the supervision of Professor Pat Guiry, she investigated planar chiral scaffolds for medicinal chemistry and asymmetric applications, with applications in both transition metal and organocatalysis. She moved to the University of Oxford in 2020 to carry out postdoctoral research with Professor Stephen Fletcher. Laura initially worked on the development and scale-up of asymmetric cross-coupling reactions and their applications in the synthesis of natural products, and later worked on complex self-assembling micellar systems. Her research program now focuses on working at the interface between organic and supramolecular chemistry, investigating how self-assembly phenomena can solve challenges in classic organic synthesis.

Laura recently received the American Chemical Society Young Investigator Award (August 2024) in organic chemistry and was selected to represented Ireland at the EU Chemical Society Young Investigator Symposium (July 2024), a reflection of her promise as a new independent researcher. She was elected to the Royal Society of Chemistry Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Committee and the Women In Supramolecular Chemistry ECR Advisory Board

Laura's work beyond research has largely focused on the development of supportive research cultures in chemistry. She received the Award for Excellence in 2023 from the Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford for both her research and her outstanding contribution to the department's activities over her 3 years at Oxford in the capacity of an EDI Fellow (2022-2023), chair of the Postdoctoral Research Forum (2020-2022) and elected President of Oxford Women in Chemistry (2021-2023). She was also awarded the ED&I Champion award from the Maths, Physics & Life Science Division at the University of Oxford for her consistent work in supporting women researchers and mental health advocacy.

Research Interests

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Synthesis and Application of a New Class of Planar and Centrally Chiral Ferrocenyl Amino Alcohol Ligands'
Benson, Annette*; Cunningham, Laura*; Guiry, Patrick J (2024) 'Synthesis and Application of a New Class of Planar and Centrally Chiral Ferrocenyl Amino Alcohol Ligands'. European Journal Of Organic Chemistry, [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Design and Synthesis of a Ferrocene-Based Diol Library and Application in the Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction'
Cunningham, Laura; Guiry, Patrick J (2023) 'Design and Synthesis of a Ferrocene-Based Diol Library and Application in the Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction'. Chemistry - A European Journal, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Scale-Up of a Rh-Catalyzed Asymmetric sp3¿sp2 Suzuki¿Miyaura-Type Reaction'
Cunningham, Laura; Sidera, Mireia; Fletcher, Stephen P. (2022) 'Scale-Up of a Rh-Catalyzed Asymmetric sp3¿sp2 Suzuki¿Miyaura-Type Reaction'. Organic Process Research & Development, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'A General Catalyst Controlled Route to Prostaglandin F2¿'
Cunningham, Laura; Mishra, Sourabh; Matthews, Leon; Fletcher, Stephen P. (2022) 'A General Catalyst Controlled Route to Prostaglandin F2¿'. Organic Letters, [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Asymmetric Synthesis of ¿-Amino-Functionalised Vinyl Sulfones: De Novo Preparation of Cysteine Protease Inhibitors'
Wen, Shen; Cunningham, Laura; Evans, Paul (2022) 'Asymmetric Synthesis of ¿-Amino-Functionalised Vinyl Sulfones: De Novo Preparation of Cysteine Protease Inhibitors'. Synthesis, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Recent developments in the synthesis and applications of chiral ferrocene ligands and organocatalysts in asymmetric catalysis'
Cunningham, Laura; Benson, Annette; Guiry, Patrick J (2020) 'Recent developments in the synthesis and applications of chiral ferrocene ligands and organocatalysts in asymmetric catalysis'. Organic And Biomolecular Chemistry, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Enantioselective Synthesis of Planar Chiral Ferrocifens that Show Chiral Discrimination in Antiproliferative Activity on Breast Cancer Cells'
Cunningham, Laura; Wang, Yong; Nottingham, Chris; Pagsulingan, Jammah; Jaouen, Gerard; McGlinchey, Michael J.; Guiry, Patrick (2020) 'Enantioselective Synthesis of Planar Chiral Ferrocifens that Show Chiral Discrimination in Antiproliferative Activity on Breast Cancer Cells'. Chembiochem, 21 [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Functionalization of Chromenes and Their Derivatives'
Cunningham, Laura; Kumar, Vivek Sundaravel; Guiry, Patrick (2023) 'Functionalization of Chromenes and Their Derivatives' In: Transition-Metal-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization of Heterocycles. Wiley. [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation and Related Reactions'
Cunningham, Laura; Kumar, Vivek Sundaravel; Guiry, Patrick (2022) 'Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation and Related Reactions' In: Comprehensive Chirality, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [DOI] [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
RSC Macrocylic and Supramolecular Chemistry Committee Member 01-APR-24 /
Women in Supramolecular Chemistry ECR Advisory Board Committee Member 01-APR-24 /
Student Recruitment, Public Engagement and Internationalisation Committee Member 01-MAR-24 /

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2024 EuChemS Young Investigator Award European Chemical Society
2024 ACS Young Investigator Award American Chemical Society
2023 ED&I Champion Award University of Oxford - Maths, Physics and Life Science Division
2023 Keble College Research Fellowship Keble College - University of Oxford
2023 Award for Excellence - Department of Chemistry University of Oxford
2023 RSC - Travel Award Royal Society of Chemistry
2022 MPLS ED&I Fellow University of Oxford - Maths, Physics and Life Science Division
2022 Best Poster Award - Oxford Chemistry Postdoc Symposium University of Oxford - Department of Chemistry
2021 John Fell Fellowship University of Oxford
2019 ENOVA Bursary Award ENOVA
2019 Best Poster - RSC Ireland Organic Division Symposium Royal Society of Chemistry
2017 Irish Research Council Scholarship Irish Research Council
2017 Dervilla Donnelly Medal University College Dublin
2016 Scholarship - Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Stage Four University College Dublin
2016 Frank Hegarty Metal University College Dublin
2016 School of Science Medal - Medicinal Chemistry University College Dublin - School of Science
2015 Scholarship - Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology State 3 University College Dublin
2015 School of Science Medal University College Dublin - School of Science
2015 Rory Moore O'Ferrall University College Dublin
2014 Scholarship - Biochemistry University College Dublin
2014 Scholarship - Pharmacology University College Dublin
2014 Scholarship - Chemistry University College Dublin
2014 Scholarship - Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology University College Dublin
2014 School of Science Medal University College Dublin - School of Science

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
Semester 1 - 2024/2025 Drug Design and Drug Discovery CH332
Semester 2 - 2023/2024 Medicinal Chemistry CH2101
Semester 2 - 2023/2024 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry CH4114