Entry Points (2024)

Course Overview

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary study which examines the interaction between humans and the environment, with specific reference to the effects of modern technological advances.

Today, the necessity to understand our environment has never been more urgent and the need for environmental scientists to deal with increasingly complex issues is growing. The course provides a thorough grounding in the basic sciences in the first year, followed by the application of this knowledge to current environmental problems in the later years. While studying a broad range of subjects, students are also given the opportunity to specialise in topics of their choice.

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See programme brochure below. 

BSc Environmental Science (GY308)



Applications and Selections

Who Teaches this Course

Requirements and Assessment

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate, including Irish, English, Mathematics, a laboratory science subject (i.e, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Physics with Chemistry (joint), Computer Science or Agricultural Science) and any two other subjects recognised for entry purposes.

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


4 years

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades (2024)


Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

4 (More Info)

Closing Date
NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting




Course code

Course Outline


• Biology
• Hot Topics in Environmental Science
• Introduction to Law
• Introduction to Statistical Data and Probability With either:
• Chemistry
• Physics or
• Chemistry/Physics
• Introduction to Psychology I and II
• Introduction to Irish Habitats


• Environmental Modules
• Botany and Plant Science Modules
• Earth and Ocean Sciences Modules
• Microbiology Modules
• Zoology Modules
• Environmental Legislation


• Nature Conservation and Habitat Management
• Field Course with Environmental Skills
• Habitat Management Planning
• Legislation for Environmental Scientists
• Environmental Microbiology
• Microbial Genomics
• Plant Resources and Ecosystems
• Introduction to Biostatistics
• Plus four electives from a wide range of modules


• Environmental Impact Assessment
• Environmental Science Seminars
• Advanced Field Course in Environmental Science
• Final Year Project
• Plus four electives from a wide range of modules 

See more details for GY308 Evironmental Science here



Further Education

Postgraduate research opportunities in the field of Environmental Science leading to MSc and PhD degrees are available within the college. Research areas currently include the fields of agri-environmental research, biodiversity, biological control, and habitat management and wetland studies.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the programme have worked with such government bodies as the Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey of Ireland, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Teagasc, the Regional Fisheries Boards, the National Biodiversity Records Centre and Waterways Ireland, as well as for local authorities, as environmental consultants and for Rural Environment Protection Scheme Planning Agencies. Opportunities also exist in the private sector and working as researchers.

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€7,268 p.a. (€7,408 p.a. including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€4,268 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student Contribution

€3,000 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Non EU

€27,000 p.a. (€27,140 including levy). 2025/26

EU Fees are comprised of Tuition + Student Contribution Charge + Student Levy* €140. *Payable by all students and is not covered by SUSI.  Further detail here.

For 25/26 entrants, where the course duration is greater than 1 year, there is an inflationary increase approved of 3.4% per annum for continuing years fees**.
**Excludes Full-Time EU Undergraduate fees.  These are fixed and do not change.

Find out More

Dr Mike Gormally
Programme Director
Centre for Environmental Science
T 353 (0)91 493 334
F 353 (0)91 494 578
E mike.gormally@universityofgalway.ie

What Our Students Say


Brendan Canning |   BSc (Environmental Science)

...The four years I spent studying environmental science instilled in me a keen interest in the biological sciences and has given me a deeper appreciation of the natural world around me. The combination of lectures, lab work, and outdoor field trips, I feel has provided me with both the knowledge and enthusiasm I need to succeed in my future career...