Entry Points (2024)

Course Overview

Biomedical Engineering is a relatively new branch of engineering that involves the use of cutting-edge technologies to help improve human healthcare. Biomedical engineers are involved in the design and creation of medical devices, implants such as stents, instruments and materials for clinical use. They also apply their engineering skills to problems in human biology and are at the forefront of developments in human medicine in the 21st century, enabling the medicial profession to diagnose and treat disease, and repair or replace damaged living tissue.

This degree programme was developed as a result of the need within the biomedical industry for highly skilled personnel. Locally based biomedical companies, of which there is a significant cluster, were involved in its design. It therefore remains highly relevant to the needs of industry while giving students a full training in engineering design principles and their application to human biology in an interdisciplinary environment. Related, relevant subjects that are covered over the course of the degree programme include biomedical instrumentation, tissue engineering and biomechanics.

If you want an interesting career that involves the application of engineering principles to medicine and biology, this may suit you. Biomedical engineers assist clinicians to analyse and solve problems in biology and medicine, therby helping to sustain or improve life. Both traditional and modern engineering principles and new technology are used. Biomedical engineers are also challenged to ensure that advances in technology keep pace with the advances in medicine and that the diagnostic, life-support or life-enhancing tools they create remain compatible with the human body.

Integrated Masters (ME) and Work placement

All students registering for an engineering degree at NUI Galway will be enrolled on an integrated five year programme; a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) (four years, Level 8) + a Master of Engineering (ME) (one year, Level 9). Upon successful completion of the five years of study, graduates will have the educational qualifications required for progression to Chartered Engineer.Students registering for an engineering degree at NUI Galway in 2019 will make a decision at the beginning of 3rd Year to either remain on the BE+ME pathway (five years) or exit with a BE (four years). Students on the BE+ME pathway will avail of advanced engineering modules, a substantial research and development project, and a work placement of eight months duration during the 4th Year. For students exiting with a BE, the work placement will be of four months duration after 3rd Year. Read more about Engineering work placements.


All Engineering Degrees at NUI Galway are professionally accredited by the statutory professional body, Engineers Ireland. This “Accreditation” means that the degree has been assessed and approved to meet the educational requirements for professional Engineers.

  • Under an international agreement (Washingon Accord), any Degree accredited by the National professional body (Engineers Ireland) is recognized internationally. So having an “Accredited” degree means that employers outside of Ireland can (1) understand the quality/education achieved by a graduate and (2) know that it is equivalent to their own Education system/standards, and (3) can offer appropriate employment on this basis. For example, certain functions (sign off on large civil engineering construction projects) can only be carried out by a chartered engineer.
  • Engineers Ireland changed the criteria for Accreditation in 2012, and now require a Masters (Level 9) qualification as the education standard required for Registered Professional Titles of Chartered Engineer* (prior to this, a Level 8 degree was required). The changes were implemented because the standard European engineering qualification (degree or diplome) is at level 9, and European industry maintains a strict differentiation between those engineers qualified at level 9 and those qualified at level 8. Any graduate interested in working in Europe/Worldwide is now strongly advised to get an accredited level 9 award.
  • Engineers Ireland accreditation can be obtained at the following levels:
    • Level 8:  4-year honours degree – associate engineer
    • Level 9: 5-year masters degree – chartered engineer

*A Chartered Engineer is the highest professional education standard in Engineering. A chartered Engineer is competent (because of their education and training) to assume personal responsibility for   the   development   and   application   ofengineering in research, design, construction, manufacturing, superintending, managing and  in  the education of the engineer. His/her work is predominantly intellectual and varied and not of a routine mental or physical character. It requires the  exercise  of  original  thought  and  judgement  and  the  ability  to supervise the technical and administrative work of others.

Applications and Selections

Who Teaches this Course

Requirements and Assessment

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at O6/H7 Level in the Leaving Certificate, including Irish, English, Mathematics, a laboratory science subject (i.e., Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Physics with Chemistry (joint), Agricultural Science or Computer Science) or Technology, and any two other subjects recognised for entry purposes. 

Additional Requirements

Students must obtain a minimum of Grade H4 in the Higher Level Leaving Certificate paper in Mathematics or, alternatively places available (which may vary in number year to year) may be allocated to those candidates who have achieved the points requirement for the programme that year, who satisfy the general requirements for Matriculation in the College of Engineering and Informatics and who attain a Pass in the Engineering Maths Qualifying Examination. The places available will be allocated in strict order of merit based points attained in the Leaving Certificate. Due to capacity constraints, not all candidates who achieve a pass in the examination may receive an offer.

For A-Levels - A minimum of Grade C in A-Level Mathematics is required.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


4 years

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades (2024)


Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

Closing Date
NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting




Course code

Course Outline

Year 5 optional

At the School of Engineering we are focused on ensuring that you will be educated to the highest standards, and will have the necessary qualifications to avail of all of the professional opportunities presented to you, both in Ireland and across the world. You will be enrolled on an integrated five year programme; a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) (four years, Level 8) + a Master of Engineering (ME) (one year, Level 9). Students on the BE+ME pathway will avail of advanced engineering modules, a substantial research and development project, and a work placement.  Upon successful completion of the five years of study, graduates will have the educational qualifications required for progression to Chartered Engineer. Full information on the optional 5th Year is provided here

Further Education

Upon completion of the undergraduate degree, suitably qualified students have the option to enrol and continue their studies to Masters or PhD level.

Students can advance to Masters level (ME) through our one year taught Masters programme (September-June) that builds on the successful completion of their undergraduate programme, subject to a sufficient standard (2nd Class Honours minimum). This programme is an integrated follow-on to the BE programme and is designed to meet Engineers Ireland’s criterion for Level 9 degrees, providing graduates with a route to Chartered Engineering status that will be recognised worldwide.

Masters degree education is becoming increasingly the norm internationally in Engineering, and this programme strengthens the ability of our graduates to compete nationally and internationally at the highest level for employment in industry and other sectors of the economy.

In our PhD programme students develop highly innovative state-of the-art solutions to current problems in Biomedical Engineering, frequently leading to new medical devices or strategies for treatment of disease. Biomedical Engineering research at University of Galway involves a high level of interaction with the Hi-Tec R&D sector of the medical device industry.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

Biomedical Engineering offers a variety of career opportunities in such areas as private industry, universities, hospitals, research facilities, education and medical institutes, in teaching and in working for government regulatory agencies. With eight of the world's top ten biomedical companies based in Ireland - many of which are in Galway - there are good prospects for employment nationally while remaining open to opportunities overseas.

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€7,268 p.a. (€7,408 p.a. including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€4,268 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student Contribution

€3,000 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Non EU

€27,000 p.a. (€27,140 p.a. including levy) 2025/26

EU Fees are comprised of Tuition + Student Contribution Charge + Student Levy* €140. *Payable by all students and is not covered by SUSI.  Further detail here.

For 25/26 entrants, where the course duration is greater than 1 year, there is an inflationary increase approved of 3.4% per annum for continuing years fees**.
**Excludes Full-Time EU Undergraduate fees.  These are fixed and do not change.

Find out More

Aisling Rooney
Biomedical Engineering
T +353 91 492 723
F +353 91 563 991
E biomedeng@universityofgalway.ie

What Our Students Say


Shreyas Gujulla |   Year Three, BE (Biomedical Engineering)

Personally, I enjoyed the inter-disciplinary nature of Biomedical Engineering. It provides an overlap between Science & Engineering with the inclusion of some Biology modules in the course. I have always been interested in Biology and the crafting nature of Engineering and Biomedical Engineering is one such course which makes this combination into a reality. Biomedical Engineering has several practical modules which provided me with experience in relation to designing medical devices and preparing 3D prototypes which are essential in the Biomedical industry. With the inclusion of an 8 months' work placement for integrated masters and 4 months for BE it will further provide me with hands-on experience in 3rd Year which I can’t wait to start in January.

What Employers Say

Seán Óg

Seán Óg Ó Loideáin |   Energy Systems Engineering BE & ME Graduate

The course equips you with the fundamentals of engineering whilst providing in-depth knowledge of a wide range of conventional and future energy generation technologies.